AREL Primary School

Testing and Evaluation

In AREL Primary School’s Testing and Evaluation Centre, objective and scientific analysis is done in order to ensure the proficiency of the programs, outcome of the teaching and learning process. The centre not only evaluates students’ knowledge but also assesses the skills that the students have gained through comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and assessment.

The testing and evaluation centre aims to foster inquisitive, problem solving and creative qualities within our students by improving their “learning to learn” skills, thereby relieving them from anxiety caused by examinations. Importance is not only given to measuring students’ knowledge, but also to measuring students’ skills and attitudes regarding understanding-comprehending, practice, analysis, synthesis, interpretation and evaluation. 

In AREL Primary School, Testing and Evaluation Centre aims to support development of students’ learning without creating test anxiety. The teachers, administrators, Testing and Evaluation Centre carefully monitor students’ academic progress and success. According to the results, necessary arrangements are made in the classes and study programs.  

AREL Testing and Evaluation Centre follows the latest developments in the field of education and plays an active role in achievement of the Schools’ educational objectives.